Ahead of AI Newsletter

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The Ahead of AI newsletter specializes in AI and machine learning research to help you stay ahead in the ever-evolving field. It brings you deep learning and research trends to stay in touch with the AI and technology landscape. Read further details in this Ahead of AI newsletter review.


  • The Ahead of AI newsletter brings the latest research
  • The author is well-versed in machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • The newsletter is free for subscribers


  • The newsletter is not best suited to beginners
  • Ahead of AI follows a long structure

What is the Ahead of AI Newsletter about?

The Ahead of AI newsletter is everything about AI, machine learning, and deep learning. It brings you the latest research trends and advancements from the AI world to help you stay updated and informed. The author believes that artificial intelligence is a fast-moving field, and missing out on any details will make it difficult to cope. 

The Newsletter Structure of Ahead of AI Newsletter

The Ahead of AI newsletter follows a no-BS format and brings you the latest happenings in the artificial intelligence world. Here’s how the email looks:

  • The email begins with the story’s title in the top middle.
  • Then, the author dives into the story's details with diagrams and images for better understanding.
  • Usually, the email focuses on one topic only, but you might find multiple news pieces or sub-topics in each edition.
  • Lastly, the author thanks the readers for their support and shares links to his books.

What Topics does the Ahead of AI Newsletter Cover?

Ahead of AI is a comprehensive newsletter that brings you news on machine learning and artificial intelligence. You get to learn about the latest advancements and applications of technology besides the informative content. The newsletter covers multiple topics, including natural language processing, machine learning, deep learning, robotics, computer vision, and more. 

Next, let’s tell you the subscription methods in this Ahead of AI newsletter review.

Is it Free or Paid?

Ahead of AI is a free newsletter you can easily subscribe to by visiting their website. Visit their Substack website, enter your email address in the given space, and click “Subscribe.” You will receive the emails in your inbox when you subscribe to the newsletter.

Subscribe to the Ahead of AI newsletter

Who is Behind this Newsletter?

Sebastian Raschka, the founder and author of Ahead of AI newsletter, is a machine learning and AI researcher and programmer. He has been working on AI and machine learning for over a decade. Besides being a researcher, he has authored multiple books on machine learning. 

Sebastian joined the University of Wisconsin-Madison as a professor in the Department of Statistics after PhD and took a break from academia in 2022. He now works at Lightning AI as a Staff Research Engineer focusing on software development, large language models (LLMs), and AI research.

The Gradient mentions, “Sebastian is an incredible educator and always has invaluable insights – do keep up with his work!”

The Ahead of AI Newsletter Reviews: What do readers think about this newsletter?

The AI newsletter is read by over 50,000 researchers and practitioners who want to stay in touch with changing trends and advancements in the AI world. Readers love how Sebastian brings complex topics in an easy-to-understand manner and helps them stay in the loop with the changing AI landscape. While the email is primarily for researchers, AI enthusiasts with basic knowledge also enjoy this newsletter.

My Honest Review of Ahead of AI Newsletter

Ahead of AI is undoubtedly one of the best newsletters in the machine learning and artificial intelligence landscape. The newsletter shares the latest information, research, and AI, ML, and NLP trends. It also covers deep learning, robotics, computer vision, and more. So, if you’re looking for a comprehensive newsletter that brings everything from the AI world to your inbox regularly. While the newsletter shares everything you want to learn about machine learning, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing, I believe it is more suited to practitioners and researchers. As an AI enthusiast starting their AI journey, it is better to opt for a newsletter catering to the basics.

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