Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter

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If you are someone interested in knowing about the latest updates and new things happening in the tech world, you can join over 550,000+ subscribers and get the best of the tech news. This newsletter is free for some posts, and some of the posts are paid.


  • The author of this newsletter is an industry expert. He has run businesses or startups before, and this is one of the reasons he has skin in the game in this industry. 
  • Diverse topics: You can learn about startups and the tech world and everything related to it from the author of the Pragmatic Engineer newsletter. 
  • Expert Authorship: Gergely Orosz, the author, is knowledgeable providing credible and in-depth information.


  • Niche audience. Targeting only people who are interested in business and startups. 
  • Long-form articles. The articles are long form and have information overload.

The pragmatic Engineer newsletter is a newsletter about high tech and for managers working in the tech world. If you are someone interested in knowing about the latest updates and new things happening in the tech world, you can join over 550,000+ subscribers and get the best of the news about tech. This newsletter is free for some posts, and some of the posts are paid. 

What is the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter about? 

The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter, created by Gergely Orosz, focuses on insights from Big Tech and startups. It's highly relevant for software engineers and managers and also useful for those working in tech. 

The newsletter covers various topics, such as software engineering growth, compensation packages in tech companies, and insights into the engineering culture of major firms like Stripe. It also discusses broader topics like code management and holiday gift ideas for techies. With over 545,000 subscribers, it's a substantial resource for professionals in the tech industry.

The newsletter structure of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter: 

The structure of The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter includes:

  • Featured Articles and Insights: Each edition typically highlights key topics in software engineering and tech management. This could include deep dives into specific companies, analysis of industry trends, or discussions on software engineering practices.
  • The Pulse: A recurring section that provides updates and insights into current events in the tech world, such as changes in compensation packages, company culture insights, and industry news.
  • Book and Resource Recommendations: The newsletter often includes recommendations for books and other resources, beneficial for software engineers and tech managers.
  • Community and Reader Engagement: There are sections that engage the community, like discussions on recent topics or reader responses.
  • Special Features: Occasionally, the newsletter features special content like excerpts from books or detailed case studies on specific tech topics.

Each edition is designed to provide valuable, up-to-date information for professionals in the tech industry, particularly those in software engineering and management roles.

Who is behind this newsletter? 

The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter was created and written by Gergely Orosz. He is known for his expertise and experience in the tech industry, particularly in software engineering and tech management. His background and insights contribute significantly to the depth and relevance of the content in the newsletter.

The Stats of this newsletter: 

The following are some of the stats about the ABC newsletter. 

  1. What is this newsletter about? This newsletter is about Tech, Startups and business. 
  2. The Total number of subscribers: The pragmatic Engineer newsletter has over 550,000 subscribers. 
  3. How does this newsletter make money? The Pragmatic Engineer newsletter makes money by getting paid subscribers. Some of their posts are behind a paywall, so you have to subscribe by paying a fixed monthly fee in order to get the full newsletter experience. 
  4. Subscribe to this newsletter: Subscribe to the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter here

My Honest Opinion of ABC Newsletter: 

If you want to keep yourself up to date with the recent changes in the big tech in the world of software and someone who is working in the world of tech, this newsletter is the best fit for them. This newsletter is also for managers who are in the tech world. If you are one, you can join a list of over 550,000+ subscribers on this newsletter and get the best news and updates about the big tech. 

They publish a free and paid newsletter. One paid and one free newsletter every week. If you are a paid subscriber, you can get to read the free as well as the paid posts.

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