The Daily Upside Newsletter

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Despite trying to be unbiased as much as possible, sometimes, some newsletters are so good that you cannot avoid recommending them. So, it is not an exaggeration to say that The Daily Upside is among the best finance newsletters today. It is a comprehensive newsletter with articles and news from all around the world. It mainly focuses on financial news and also covers a few other aspects of life.


  • Authentic News
  • Readable
  • Relatable


  • Overloaded with advertisements

This newsletter gives you everything you look forward to early in the morning. This newsletter lets you get your complete dose of finance and business news. It also covers stories about emerging technologies to ensure you do not miss out on anything. As the name suggests, it is a daily newsletter, so you do not have to look forward to other information sources. Let's tell you everything about The Daily Upside newsletter in detail.

The daily Upside newsletter motto is: More Good news, get more then just news. Get Insights. It is one of the best newsletter for anyone who is also reading Morning Brew.

What is The Daily Upside about? 

The Daily Upside is an all-about-finance-and-business newsletter with hot topics from the finance industry. It is a perfect choice for a newsletter if you are new to financing and looking forward to learning more from the best. Yet, it is equally good for the best in the business to stay in touch with evolving trends. There is also news regarding the latest technologies and insight into sports.

Except for Saturdays, you can enjoy reading the newsletter every morning. The Daily Upside lands in your email every day between 08:30 am to 10:10 EST when you are getting ready or just entering your office. What can be better than starting your day with some fresh news!

The Newsletter Structure of The Daily Upside 

The straightforward format of The Daily Upside is perfect for anyone who likes talking business instead of wasting time.

It is easy to read whether you want to read each story in detail or just want to skim through it. It is not overcrowded with text, and offers enough white space not to feel cluttered. Here’s how the newsletter looks in your email and further:

  • The newsletter begins with a header containing the logo of The Daily Upside.
  • Next, you can see a “Good Morning” greeting just at the top left of the newsletter.
  • Following the greeting, there is an introduction to the daily newsletter in a few words, around a hundred.
  • Next, the email gives you a quick look into the detailed newsletter in the Morning Brief section. It comprises three or four bullet points to provide an overview of the newsletter. This is enough if you just want to know the gist of the daily updates. But you may read the stories to get all the details. On Sundays, you get a little longer description at the beginning of the email.
  • Later, you can find three Deep Dive segments containing stories from different domains such as fintech, investments, sports, etc. These stories share all the details about the bullet points in the Morning Brief segment.
  • The stories begin with a bold headline. It has the segment in the top left corner, just above the headline.
  • A short description of the story follows the headline to build the reader's interest.
  • You can see the author's name, date, and social media handle links below the description.
  • Then the story features a huge image relevant to the blog and photo credits in the caption.
  • Access the complete story just below the image.

What topics do The Daily Upside cover? 

Despite basically being a finance and business newsletter, The Daily Upside covers a wide variety of topics, allowing you to stay on top without reading multiple newsletters in the morning. It discusses stories about technology, fintech, investments, and corporate. You get details about all industries, including sports and pharmaceuticals.

Other topics The Daily Upside covers include restaurants, media, airlines, etc. So, whether the changes are in the pharma industry, hospitality, or anywhere else, you will receive all news before 10 in the morning EST. It is perfect to start your day with all the finance news that may also contribute to your daily decisions.

Is Daily upside is free or paid?

The best part of subscribing to The Daily Upside newsletter is that it is absolutely free. You do not have to pay anything to start reading the newsletter. It is one of the most favorite choices among readers as they do not have to worry about wasting money.

People subscribe to The Daily Upside Newsletter without hesitation and never look back. It is not one of the publications that cover brainless banter. Instead, it brings the town's best without charging its subscribers anything.

Who is the founder of the Daily Upside?

Patrick Trousdale is the founder and the main person behind the Daily upside newsletter.

PS: My Honest Review of The Daily Upside newsletter

The Daily Upside is one of the best newsletters for finance enthusiasts. Whether you are new to the world of financing or just need to stay in touch with recent trends, The Daily Upside has got you covered. The stories are prepared so well that it allows new businesspersons to easily understand market dynamics. It comprises different finance and business topics from various categories, including fintech, airlines, pharmaceuticals, media, etc.

One of the best features of The Daily Upside is that it is a daily newsletter (except Saturdays). So, it gives you all the information about business and finance to start your day. You may get an overview from the email or read the full story. There's nothing better than getting all the highlights in your email free of cost!

So, if you are also looking for a compact newsletter that brings news about everything related to finance, The Daily Upside is an ideal choice. With three top stories for the day, it tells you everything you need to know. You do not have to subscribe to multiple newsletters to get to know about media, investment, or fintech; the Daily Upside has it covered!

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