10 Best Newsletters To Subscribe Your Friends To

Meta description: Here are the 10 best newsletters to subscribe your friends to. Know them all Staying informed about the latest news and developments worldwide has never been easier.

The best newsletters to subscribe your friends to bring you the latest news and happenings from all over the world. They are like mini-updates on everything cool and important. Whether your friends are curious about tech, entertainment, politics, or events or want some inspiration, these newsletters are the perfect choice. We have thoroughly selected a bunch of different newsletters for your friends to subscribe to. Let's explore these email updates that keep you connected and well-informed.

List of the Best Newsletters

  1. Ask Leo
  2. The Morning Newsletter
  3. Morning Brew
  4. The DONUT
  5. Daily Skimm
  6. Smashing Email Newsletter
  7. Unsplash
  8. The Fetch
  9. The AF WKLY Newsletter
  10. Milkshake

10 Best Newsletters to Subscribe your Friends to

Ask Leo Newsletter 

ask Leo newsletter

Leo Notenboom, the author of Ask Leo newsletter is a technology expert, having 20 years of experience. Leo makes technical stuff easy to understand and thus helps the readers use technology better.

This newsletter discusses essential tech topics and gives important advice to keep the readers devices running smoothly and stay secure on the internet. Its prime focus is to make sure the reader's computer works excellently. 

This newsletter is the best choice for those who are less technology literate as it brings confidence to them. Subscribe to Ask Leo

The Morning Newsletter

The Morning Newsletter

The Morning newsletter comes out by The New York Times. It is fundamental newsletter and has a lot of readers, making it quite popular. David Leonhardt and a team of other reporters from The Times supervise it.

This newsletter aids its readers in making sense of worldwide happenings and their relevance. The Morning's email subject lines are brief and exciting. It provides a peek inside without unveiling everything. It is perfect for someone who enjoys staying in the know what is happening!

Subscribe to The Morning Newsletter

Morning Brew 

The creators of this newsletter, Alex Lieberman and Austin Rief, chose it as their first business venture that blew off!

Morning Brew is a cool newsletter that gives you important business and tech news in a fun way. It's like having a daily dose of enjoyable news. The newsletter is sent to your email before 6 a.m. EST almost every day. This newsletter on the list of the best newsletters to subscribe your friends to is among the readers' favorites.

The newsletter started in 2015, and now Morning Brew has over 4 million subscribers. More than 350 emails have been sent out, and all are stored in the archive. If your friends are into entrepreneurship or want to learn about how companies fit into the world, this newsletter is perfect.

Subscribe to Morning Brew


The Donut Newsletter

The Donut is the best newsletter that provides news that is neutral, fast, interesting, and simple to understand. This newsletter also has some amount of entertainment and Intelligence to its content. It acts like a facilitator in pointing out various sides of any matter in an honest way. It follows a special and enjoyable approach. 

This newsletter emphasizes the value of enjoyable moments in life with its brief, precise, and valuable time. The Donut team is very curious about providing authentic news to the readers. Approach to the donut is very easy due to its simple design. The newsletter is written in an environment with full of confidence and taking no external pressure. The team accepts the most challenging, bold and fresh ideas and brings them to the readers. 

The donut is a platform for entertainment and news; it also respect the different point of views of other people. The best part is that it has no subscription fee. 

Subscribe to The DONUT

Daily Skimm

The Daily Skimm was established by Carly Zakin and Danielle Weisberg. It is a part of theSkimm, a digital media company. Zakin and Weisberg created this newsletter to empower women by providing them with necessary information for navigating their lives confidently. It assists women in making wiser decisions. 

Every day, the Daily Skimm provides insights into news, trends, policies, and politics that specifically influence women. Thus, it equips them with the self-confidence to tackle various life aspects such as managing financial matters and participation in the election. It has millions of dedicated readers who appreciate its team's unbiased information delivery.

Subscribe to Daily Skimm

Smashing Email Newsletter 

This next newsletter on the best newsletters to subscribe to your friends is super useful for designers and developers. It is a cool email that comes out twice a month. When you open it, you will discover helpful tips, clever tricks, and resources designed specifically for designers and developers.

The team at Smashing Magazine is the group of people who collect, write, and make everything in the newsletter look great. This newsletter is like a weekly boost and gives you tools to improve your work. The best part is that you won't see any Tricky advertisements or promotions from others.

It has minimal ads, and the team occasionally shares emails about their own projects. It aims to make the reader's work life smoother and better. So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe your friend to this amazing newsletter right away!

Subscribe to the Smashing Email Newsletter

The Fetch

The Fetch Newsletter

Kat Kendall founded The Fetch back in 2011. This newsletter gathers top remote events, online courses, virtual conferences, webinars, live streams, workshops, and many more. The Fetch is like a carefully chosen guide to the best online happenings. It began as a newsletter for local events. But now, it mainly focuses on being the best spot for events you can join online.

Subscribe to The Fetch

The AF WKLY Newsletter

AF Weekly Newsletter

Journalist, essayist, and author Ann Friedman created the AF WKLY Newsletter. Her newsletter is like a weekly gift filled with awesome writing and unique finds from all around the internet. It shows up in your inbox every Friday, no matter the weather. She's been sending it since 2013, and now, it reaches 55,000 inboxes.

Inside, you'll find thoughtful links, fun pie charts, and cool gifs that'll get your brain racing. It is like a super cool collection of stuff. People have said it's a bit hard to describe but super easy and enjoyable to read. Even the New York Times called it that! It is free of cost. You can enjoy the AF WKLY Newsletter without spending a penny.

Subscribe to The AF WKLY Newsletter


Milshake Newsletter

If you are looking for an email newsletter that tells you about the recent events, products, and plans, milkshake is the perfect pick!

This best newsletter to subscribe to your friends to that tells them about the Earth, helping people and also making money. It is an absolutely amazing source to learn positive things about live and the world around us.

The milkshake team wants to teach you how to shop, travel, and eat with a greater purpose. It surprises you with cool things, encourages you to make things better, and makes you want to be part of positive stuff. Regarding the stuff the team of Milkshake shares, they pick stories that inspire them. They are good at spotting trends and focusing on how things look and sound.

The newsletter has content that makes you stop and think, maybe learn more, or even encourage you to support a good cause. It covers stories from around the world, including Zimbabwe, Jakarta, and Brasilia. Every day, its global edition has carefully selected positive stories.

Subscribe to Milkshake

PS: Best Newsletters to Subscribe Your Friends to:

In summary, these are carefully searched amazing newsletters for your friends and everyone to check out and subscribe to. They cover various interests, from tech explanations to news updates, design tips, inspiring stories, and more. Whether they want to stay informed, learn new things, or just enjoy quality content, there's something here for everyone. Don't miss them out. These great reads can brighten your inbox and add value to your day.

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